National Dinosaur Museum Canberra

National Dinosaur Museum Canberra

National Dinosaur Museum - Guided Tour
National Dinosaur Museum – Guided Tour

Hey there, dino-lovers! Are you ready for a prehistoric adventure? Let’s stomp our way into the National Dinosaur Museum in Australia! It’s a place where you can see real dinosaur bones and learn all about these amazing creatures that lived millions of years ago.

The Fantastic Fossil Gallery

When you first walk into the museum, you’ll find yourself in the Fossil Gallery. This is where you can see real dinosaur bones that scientists have dug up from the ground!

Some of the fossils are so big you’ll have to look up, up, up to see the top of them. Others are tiny, like the size of your tooth!

Did You Know?
Fossils are like nature’s photographs. They show us what animals and plants looked like a very long time ago!

You’ll see fossils from all kinds of dinosaurs here. There are big, long-necked dinosaurs called Sauropods, fierce meat-eaters like T-Rex, and even some dinosaurs that could fly!

The Dino-mite Dinosaur Garden

National Dinosaur Museum Australia - Dinosaur_Garden
National Dinosaur Museum Australia – Dinosaur Garden

Next, let’s head outside to the Dinosaur Garden. This is where you can see what dinosaurs might have looked like when they were alive!

There are big statues of dinosaurs that look so real, you might think they’ll start moving! You can stand next to them and see how tall you are compared to a dinosaur.

Did You Know?
Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens, while others were as big as buildings!

In the Dinosaur Garden, you can see:

  • A huge Tyrannosaurus Rex with its scary teeth
  • A Stegosaurus with its spiky back
  • A long-necked Brachiosaurus reaching up to the trees

Can you roar like a T-Rex? Give it a try!

Fun Interactive Exhibits

National Dinosaur Museum, ACT

Now, let’s go back inside for some hands-on fun! The museum has lots of cool things you can touch and play with to learn more about dinosaurs.

You can:

  • Dig for fossils like a real paleontologist (that’s a scientist who studies dinosaurs)
  • Touch real dinosaur bones
  • Play dinosaur computer games
  • Listen to what scientists think dinosaurs might have sounded like

Did You Know?
We don’t know for sure what color dinosaurs were. Scientists have to use clues from fossils to guess!

One of the most exciting things is the dinosaur egg exhibit. You can see what dinosaur eggs looked like and learn how baby dinosaurs hatched.

Dino-Store: The Gift Shop

Before we leave, let’s visit the gift shop. Here, you can find all sorts of cool dinosaur stuff to take home with you!

There are:

  • Dinosaur toys
  • Books about dinosaurs
  • Dinosaur t-shirts
  • Even dinosaur-shaped cookies!

Maybe you can get a little dinosaur toy to remember your visit!

Why Dinosaurs are So Cool

Now that we’ve explored the museum, let’s talk about why dinosaurs are so awesome!

  1. They were huge! Some dinosaurs were bigger than any animal alive today.
  1. They lived a long time ago. Dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans.
  1. There were many different kinds. From tiny to gigantic, meat-eaters to plant-eaters, dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes.
  1. They help us learn about Earth’s history. By studying dinosaurs, we can learn about what the Earth was like long ago.

Did You Know?
Birds are actually living dinosaurs! They evolved from a group of dinosaurs called theropods.

Fun Dino Facts

Here are some more exciting things about dinosaurs:

  • The word “dinosaur” means “terrible lizard” in Greek.
  • Not all dinosaurs lived at the same time. Different species lived during different periods.
  • Some dinosaurs had feathers, just like birds!
  • The biggest dinosaur we know about was as long as three school buses!
  • Some dinosaurs ate rocks to help digest their food.

Become a Dino Expert

Do you want to learn even more about dinosaurs? Here are some fun things you can do:

  1. Read dinosaur books from your library or school
  1. Watch dinosaur movies or TV shows
  1. Draw pictures of dinosaurs
  1. Make your own dinosaur fossils with clay
  1. Visit other museums that have dinosaur exhibits

The more you learn, the more you’ll see how amazing these prehistoric creatures were!

Time to Say Goodbye (For Now!)

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